Belize has become our entertaining playground. Our last week of guests was a blast. C&J fit right into the Alembic lifestyle. They arrived the day before George and Cay left, so we had 6 on the boat for a night in Placentia. This gave George and Cay a chance to show the newbies how we roll. Even though they have had oodles of outdoor adventures alone and together, C&J had never spent a week on a sailboat. You wouldn’t know it though, because they needed no time to get used to sleeping on a rolly berth, cooking in a tiny galley, and sharing small quarters with us.

Learning to fillet dinner



Grouper in the bag

First spearfish catch

Off she goes

Enjoying the sail

Bringing in the big one

fly fish catch
Fishing was the main focus this week; we spent our days spear fishing while snorkeling, line fishing while sailing, and fly fishing from the dinghy. A record was set for the most amount of fish caught and consumed in one week.
While the guests probably found the adventure and the fishing engrossing, I was riveted by our conversations. They are both so intelligent, caring, and creative. I look forward to spending many more weeks together on Alembic or elsewhere, raising my awareness of the world and the possibilities ahead.