With the cruising lifestyle there are many events that seem to be influenced by karma. At times, this karma works in unpredictable ways. In the end, however, karma comes into balance. Like a bank account, you need to make deposits to support future withdrawals. As we cruise, we gather more and more examples that reinforce this thinking.
With land-based neighbors, we expect that favors extended are returned in some way by the person that we help. This one to one relationship is carefully cultivated over time to make sure that we remain good neighbors. In the cruising lifestyle, we frequently help fellow cruisers who we have just met and who we may never see again. Not to worry, the favor will be returned at some point in the future by another stranger in our time of need. The currency in these transactions takes many forms. It may be a tow, a part, some food, a unique skill, or just another set of hands.
We all would like to think that we are independent, self sufficient, and fully ready for any challenge that comes our way as we travel from port to port. In fact, for safe and successful cruising it is important to be as prepared as possible before we set sail. In spite our our independence, cruising is wonderfully enriched by our interactions with fellow cruisers. It is always rewarding when we can help someone in need and a great relief when someone helps us solve a problem. Sharing resources whether it is knowledge, food, skills, or spares is a great way to enrich our lifestyle. Tap into the forces of karma and good things will happen. We will share our favorite experiences with cruising karma in future posts.
February 12, 2017