“We are sailing straight to Grenada” was Bill’s response when a friend asked us what our plans were a few days after arriving in Antigua. This shocked the friend, and me! We had just traveled so far to get here, and Bill is already ready to head 300 miles south?! With flights out of Antigua to Maine 4 weeks away, Bill was hoping to see as much down the island chain as possible, so he thought we should sail to the southern end, and leisurely sail back to Antigua, stopping at as many islands as possible for a day or two each. I struggled with the idea of leaving so soon. There’s always a fight going on in my head when we arrive somewhere new: stay put to get to know locals or keep moving to see as much as possible. We both love to sail, so moving is always a welcome idea.

Sara is part fish

Friends Allen and Shiera on Gemeaux

Kevin from Pas de Deux

saying good bye to Kevin

We compromised by staying in Antigua a few more days, with a plan to sail south to visit Guadeloupe, Martinique, and Dominica before returning to Antigua for our flights home. This is about half the mileage we would have covered if we went to Grenada. Sara still had a few days aboard Alembic, so we made the most of our time, exploring by day and continuing with Salty Dawg festivities at night.

A fancy night out with the Salty Dawgs. Suzie Too Rally folks reunited!

With a rental car, we explored the whole island.

North Sound boat yard had just taken in a fleet of wrecked boats from Irma and Maria. They were fixing some and scrapping others

Devil’s Bridge was not as exciting as I had hoped, and the city of St John needed more than our allotted one hour to wander through.

A beautiful cathedral under restoration

But our hike in the rain forest

Amazing root system

Don’t try to climb this

Silly Sara

was fantastic, topped off with delicious fruit juice and black pineapple from Pineapple Elaine at the foot of the trail.

Pineapple Elaine

St Barnabas Anglican Church was built with the famous green local rock

Snorkeling again at the mouth of the harbor proved to be a new experience each time. Tradewinds kept the surface rolly, but the life below was used to these conditions. Turtles seem unfazed by our presence and the octopus even came out of his den for a look at us.

Friendly turtle

Octopus den with his patio filled with shells

A snorkeler’s view of the anchorage

Our last day in Antigua set Bill and I on the same page. Sara had flown home, and the mega yachts were coming in.

Beautiful yachts

We are much more at home among simpler folks

Time to leave.